

General Queries
Telephone: +1-888-342-9353
Technical Questions
[email protected]
Customer Services
[email protected]

Elmscott & Haxeleigh Privacy Statement Online

Normal Web Site Usage:

During normal web site usage, we do not collect personally identifiable information such as name, mailing address, email address, phone number, or social security number. Upon enrollment this information may be provided by the student through our customer care representatives. Customer correspondence requests via e-mail (e.g. initial inquiry and mailed brochures) containing information such as name, mailing address, email address, type of request, and possibly additional information, will be collected and stored. Secure data transmission and storage are devised in a manner appropriate to the nature of the request as determined by Elmscott & Haxeleigh staff and will be used to fulfill customer requests. This information is not provided or sold to any other company.

During the course of your onsite visit, you may move external educational and informational web sites. In addition, this site may provide links to third party sites not controlled by Elmscott & Haxeleigh staff. It is recommended that you check the specific privacy statements of any site before providing any personally identifiable information.

Electronic Mail Sent to Us That Contains Personal Information:

Internet users may decide to send Elmscott & Haxeleigh personally identifying information, for example, in an electronic mail message containing information about your product or service. Elmscott & Haxeleigh staff will only use this information to identify the user as a current or future Elmscott & Haxeleigh customer and to determine how to respond to the electronic mail. We will use this information for the purpose identified in the email message and to enhance our understanding of you in order to improve our services to you.